By the same token qualitative psycho-therapy research is of high relevance. For, if one understands literary interaction as particular form of mental work on biographical issues and if one takes an interest in how personal experiences are integrated and worked-through via interacting with literary and media narratives, one will richly profit from the fields of research which focuses on therapeutic interactions and processes of coping.
[Link coming soon: Abstract der Habil dt. lang, Kunst und Körperagieren (2005b), Empirisch-klinisch gestützte Forschung über Literatur und Psychotrauma (2006a), Empirisch gestützte psychoanalytische Literaturforschung (2006c), Empirische Psychotherapie- und Psychoanalyse-Forschung als Provokation (2006d)]
(inter-)action-theoretical foundation | two-fold concept | qualitative social and interactional research | interdisciplinary narratology |resources of psychology | innovative teaching approaches | post-graduate professional training program | university’s profile of excellence | media societies’ challenges | (inter-)action theoretical text analysis | reconstructive, qualitative analysis of readers’ response | clinical psycho-trauma studies | developmental psychology | qualitative psycho-therapy research