Recent qualitative developmental psychology and socialization research in as much as it is acquainted with basic assumptions of psychological attachment theory and object-relation approaches in current psychoanalysis deserve special attention here, if one takes into consideration the challenge of implementing this research in the actual teaching of literature classes or other teaching settings which imply culture and media issues.
For, the areas of teaching which imply literature and the arts are generally understood to aim at supporting the student’s personal development and instilling "humanistic/aesthetic education" so that the "understanding of the human existence" may succeed both by "dialogu[ing] with the works" and by "confronting someone other than oneself". In other words, this means to systematically research and teach culture in a way which supports the students' development of key competencies.
[Psychoanalyse des körperlichen und gestischen Agierens (2003b), Körperbeziehungs-Bild einer Hollywood-Produktion (2003c), Freiburger Tagung Freuds Aktualität 2006 (2006h), Psychologische Literaturwissenschaft im inneren Exil (2006g)]
(inter-)action-theoretical foundation | two-fold concept | qualitative social and interactional research | interdisciplinary narratology | resources of psychology | innovative teaching approaches | post-graduate professional training program | university’s profile of excellence | media societies’ challenges | (inter-)action theoretical text analysis | reconstructive, qualitative analysis of readers’ response | clinical psycho-trauma studies | developmental psychology | qualitative psycho-therapy research