Harald Weilnböck

Clinical psycho-trauma studies

Psycho-trauma studies – of the kind which is clinically solid and psychodynamically informed – deserves particular attention if one accepts the assumption that any act of producing and/or consuming fictional literary or media narratives is always also attached to the existential human challenge of working-through and coming to terms mentally with the experiences from ones personal past. This coming to terms may imply dealing with issues of a psycho-traumatic nature.
[Psychotraumatologie (2001a), Shoa - Psychotraumatologische Analysen (2003f), Zur dissoziativen Intellektualität in der ‚Nachkriegszeit’ (2005c), Empirisch-klinisch gestützte Forschung über Literatur und Psychotrauma (2006a), Traumabearbeitung als gesellschaftlich-kulturelle Aufgabe (2007b), "Die Wüste lebt." Murakami (2008c), What is Wrong with Concepts of Cultural Trauma (2008p)]

c/o Cultures Interactive, Mainzer Str. 11, 12053 Berlin, e-mail: hweilnboeck@gmx.de